KGUmusic Optimizer for practicing and playing without excessive mouthpiece pressure, the device for correcting excessive pressure, must-have for brass players, trumpeters
- Effective control over too much mouthpiece The system activates as soon as the mouthpiece is forced against the lips too hard. The air column escapes and interrupts your buzz, thus you know that you use high pressure.
- No spring, and no mess with assembling and disassembling the device. We use magnets instead of the spring, whose functioning is based on rejection.
- A wider range of setups. Unlike devices with springs, providing only 5-6 positions, the KGUmusic Optimizer provides you with the possibility to change the activation rate with each millimeter. You just need to turn it clockwise or counterclockwise to make the power of pressing stronger or smaller.
- The efficient tool for practicing and classes. Our Optimizer is intended for use during a certain time, from 10 to 30 minutes, as much as you need. Note, it’s not intended for playing during concerts or all day long.
- Useful for students, beginners, experienced trumpeters, and brass players. The KGUmusic Optimizer is an effective tool, which helps to control how you take higher notes and effectively breaks the habit of unintentional mouthpiece pressure on the lips.
Product Description (T.E.T)
Our training tool for lip buzzing expands your skills as a player and helps you to play correctly from the physical point of view. It’s a good way of working on the breath, as it builds up a balance between strength and agility. As the result, you are able to focus the response of the lips to airflow and get the endurance you need.
The tool for buzzing is very practical and easy to use, as the trumpet and the mouthpiece stay in a natural position during the performance. During the trumpet practice with the mouthpiece, you can also work on the playing techniques using the finger buttons. You can leave this embouchure trainer on the mouthpiece shank during playing and it won’t bring any inconvenience. It also allows you to quickly switch between playing and lip buzz exercises.
Our buzzing tool improves the function of the lips and provides the muscles involved in producing the sound with the necessary activity. Such a training device develops the embouchure form and support, so it makes it easier for you to create the needed compression to produce the sound.
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