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Trumpet Mouthpiece Boosters

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Detailed view of raw brass CLASSIC trumpet mouthpiece booster.Top rated Raw brass trumpet mouthpiece booster on a white background.
KGUmusic Radius Trumpet Mouthpiece BoosterRadius Trumpet Mouthpiece Booster Raw Brass
Cone Trumpet Mouthpiece Booster KGUmusicCone Mouthpiece Booster
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BULLET Trumpet Mouthpiece BoosterBULLET Trumpet Mouthpiece Booster
KGUmusic Heavy Trumpet Mouthpiece BoosterKGU Music Heavy mouthpiece booster
HEAVY NEW Trumpet Mouthpiece BoosterHEAVY NEW Trumpet Mouthpiece Booster
KGUmusic ROCKET Trumpet Mouthpiece BoosterRocket-trumpet-mouthpiece-booster
Flamer Trumpet Mouthpiece BoosterFlamer Trumpet Mouthpiece Booster
CONE DRAGON Trumpet Mouthpiece BoosterCONE DRAGON Trumpet Mouthpiece Booster
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On saleGift set for Trumpet Player #2 | Mouthpiece Booster + Pouch + Valve GuardGift set for Trumpet Player #2 | Mouthpiece Booster + Pouch + Valve Guard

Trumpet Mouthpiece Boosters to Improve Sound Quality, Control, and Endurance.

Trumpet Mouthpiece Boosters for Jazz, Classical and Pop Trumpeters 

In this category, you can purchase light-weight, medium-weight and heavy mouthpiece boosters in a variety of finishes including brass, copper, silver, bronze, and other metals. By adding weight to the mouthpiece, boosters stabilize vibrations and make sound more centered and controlled. The key benefits of KGUmusic boosters are their shape variety featuring radius, cone, bullet, and radiator shapes. You can also buy trumpet mouthpiece boosters decorated with patterns such as flames or dragons, which can make perfect gifts for trumpet players. The boosters available in this category are compatible with trumpet mouthpieces of many well–known brands including Bach, Schilke, Jet-Tone, Olds, Reeves, Yamaha, Getzen, and others.