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Article: Classic Trumpet Icons: Birth Years and Nationalities Unveiled

Classic Trumpet Icons: Birth Years and Nationalities Unveiled

Classic Trumpet Icons: Birth Years and Nationalities Unveiled

Here's the list with each trumpeter's year of birth and their country of origin:Trumpet accessories by KGUmusic
  1. Maurice André (1933–2012) - France
  2. Håkan Hardenberger (born 1961) - Sweden
  3. Adolph Herseth (1921–2013) - United States
  4. Wynton Marsalis (born 1961) - United States
  5. Timofei Dokschitzer (1921–2005)
  6. Sergei Nakariakov (born 1977) - Israel
  7. Philip Smith (born 1952) - United Kingdom/United States
  8. Rolf Smedvig (1952–2015) - United States
  9. Allen Vizzutti (born 1952) - United States
  10. Harry James (1916–1983) - United States
  11. Alison Balsom (born 1978) - United Kingdom
  12. Ludwig Güttler (born 1943) - Germany
  13. Thomas Stevens (1938–2018) - United States
  14. Edward Tarr (1936–2020) - United States
  15. Roger Voisin (1918–2008) - France/United States
  16. Reinhold Friedrich (born 1958) - Germany
  17. Gabriele Cassone (born 1962) - Italy
  18. Ole Edvard Antonsen (born 1962) - Norway
  19. Matthias Höfs (born 1965) - Germany
  20. Guy Touvron (born 1950) - France
  21. Philip Jones (1928–2000) - United Kingdom
  22. David Mason (1926–2011) - United Kingdom
  23. Crispian Steele-Perkins (born 1944) - United Kingdom
  24. Giuseppe Galante - Italy (Year of birth not widely known)
  25. Bernard Soustrot (born 1949) - France
  26. Mark Inouye (Year of birth not widely known) - United States
  27. Jens Lindemann (born 1966) - Canada
  28. Maurice Murphy (1935–2010) - United Kingdom
  29. Tine Thing Helseth (born 1987) - Norway
  30. Urban Agnas (Year of birth not widely known) - Sweden
  31. James Thompson (Year of birth not widely known) - United States
  32. Geoffrey Payne (Year of birth not widely known) - Australia
  33. Niklas Eklund (born 1969) - Sweden
  34. Malcolm McNab (born 1945) - United States
  35. Arturo Sandoval (born 1949) - Cuba
  36. Pierre Thibaud (1929–2004) - France
  37. Raymond Mase (Year of birth not widely known) - United States
  38. Armando Ghitalla (1925–2001) - United States
  39. Philip Cobb (born 1986) - United Kingdom
  40. Martin Winter (Year of birth not widely known) - Norway
  41. Gábor Boldoczki (born 1976) - Hungary
  42. Alison Balsom (born 1978) - United Kingdom (Duplicated in the original list)
  43. Giuliano Sommerhalder (born 1985) - Switzerland
  44. John Wallace (born 1949) - United Kingdom
  45. Kevin John Edusei (Year of birth not widely known) - Germany
  46. Paul Merkelo (Year of birth not widely known) - United States
  47. Marc Geujon (Year of birth not widely known) - France
  48. Oleksandr Bondarenko (Year of birth not widely known) - Ukraine
  49. Chris Martin (born 1978) - United States
  50. Reinhard Friedrich (Year of birth not widely known) - Germany

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